Saturday 13 December 2014

Washington DC is making a taxi app to take on Uber

Washington DC is making a taxi app to take on Uber

It's no secret that some local governments, especially those with robust taxi systems, have been less than welcoming to Uber. The solution, usually, has been to ban the start-up from city borders. But Washington D.C.'s taxi commission might be taking a different strategy: try to compete.
"Universal D.C. TaxiApp" will hail one of 7,000 licensed taxis
The capital's taxi commission announced on Friday that it will begin beta testing the "Universal D.C. TaxiApp" in March. Riders will be able to hail one of the city's 7,000 licensed taxis if they're in the area, but private services like Uber and Lyft will still be allowed.
Other cities around the country and the world have been less understanding. The company was banned in Spain, India, and Thailand this week, after recently winning the right to operate in Berlin. Whether Uber will use the same business tactics with the commission as it has with private companies remains to be seen.