Saturday 17 January 2015

HTC's next flagship phone to be unveiled on March 1st

HTC's next flagship phone to be unveiled on March 1st

we're still in the middle of January, some of us are already hearing bits about the upcoming MWC. One e-mail that caught our attention comes from none other than HTC, who is already teasing its very own Barcelona event on March 1st -- the day before MWC kicks off. We understand that this will be the launch of the company's next flagship device, which sounds about right; the One (M8) was unveiled back in March 25th and went to market soon afterwards.
The invitation itself doesn't show much other than a "utopia in progress" line over a cosmic background (full image attached after the break), though the latter may be teasing some breakthrough camera technology, as we once heard a little while back. As always, we'll be at Barcelona to find out what HTC and others got up their sleeves, so stay tuned.

Richard Lai