Tuesday 20 January 2015

Is Zayn Malik's Man Bun Still Intact?

Is Zayn Malik's Man Bun Still Intact?

Zayn Malik gave us quite the shock when he decided to cut off his long waves, but maybe we shouldn't be so quick to think his man bun has been sacrificed. Zayn's latest photo shares might be hinting that his style is a combo of long and short hair.
Let's recap, shall we? First, Zayn shared one of his hottest selfies of all time to show off his fresh-from-the-barber new style:

But just as we were freaking out that he had ditched his longer locks forever, the One Directionsinger shared an awesome fan art drawing of his new look: and it shows that though his head is shaved on the sides, he's still got a bun tied up in the back!

Zayn even made the artwork his Twitter profile pic, so does that mean he still has some long hair left? Or is it just an artistic interpretation?