Monday 24 August 2015

One Direction Is Taking an Extended Break Sooner Than You Think

One Direction Is Taking an Extended Break Sooner Than You Think

One Direction is allegedly taking a break after their fifth album to pursue their solo passion projects! According to multiple reports, the band will not be touring after their next record comes out — which means that their On the Road Again tour may be the last time you'll see them perform as a band for a while — and they'll be taking their break starting March 2016.
However, this is not a breakup.
"They are taking a hiatus so they can work on individual projects for a while but they are not splitting up. They will remain together and plan to work together in the future," a source told E! Online.

"They are great friends and fully support one another. They are very aware that they are able to work on their own stuff as well as remain together. This is an exciting time for them creatively and as a group."
Even though it's tearing our hearts apart, this should not come as surprising news. Liam Payne has repeatedly said that 1D deserves to have a little rest. And you know what? If that's what the boys need, then that's what they need! It doesn't mean that the band is over forever.
Plus, they've been working on solo projects for a while, and that hasn't interfered with their dedication to the band. They'll always be brothers, even on hiatus.