Wednesday 25 June 2014

Find Out Why One Direction Fans Are Furious?!

Find Out Why One Direction Fans Are Furious?!

What happens when you make offhand jokes about One Direction? Prepare for everyone to rush to the defense of, um, the biggest boy band in the world.

Singer Moses Mackay, who is part of a New Zealand opera trio named Sol3 Mio, made a comment that his band is better than One Direction. As you can expect, a lot of Directioners weren't happy.
He told the Sydney Morning Herald, "We are very different from One Direction too because they were formed as a group; we are individual singers who come together." Then — and this is where the trouble started — he added, "We are better dancers than them too and definitely better looking."
Fan site of OneDirection posted excerpts from the interview, prompting fans to sound off. And what do the Directioners say? As if.
Forever Directioner wrote, ''LOL THEY CAN'T BE SERIOUS! 1D beat without even thinking about it. BTW, I have never even heard of these guys. I wonder who is more popular ...'' Another fan named Germaine Nimundele commented, "You are in no place to even compare yourselves to the biggest boy band on earth."