Wednesday 22 October 2014

Justin Bieber Gets in Major Trouble on Vacation

Justin Bieber Gets in Major Trouble on Vacation

Justin Bieber is such a bad boy that you even nominated him for 2014's J-14 Teen Icon Awards' Iconic Rebel. Still, our jaws dropped when we heard about why he got in trouble for inappropriate behavior on vacation! According to CTV, the singer was reprimanded for kicking a soccer ball in the halls of the Vatican's historical buildings while on a private tour.
The Vatican isn't speaking up about the incident, but he reportedly annoyed the staff and even violated the dress code by wearing shorts!

While that definitely seems like an inappropriate place to play soccer, the singer posted an Instagram pic of himself with the incriminating soccer ball.
Of course, he seems pretty unfazed by the incident, and couldn't stop gushing about his trip to Rome on Instagram,  he should be more careful about where he gets into mischief! The Vatican is a really historic site.