Thursday 30 October 2014

Meredith Swift’s Most Adorable Moments!

Meredith Swift’s Most Adorable Moments!

Meredith Swift is probably one of the most famous cats on this planet. Not only does she get to hang out with Taylor Swift all day, but her adorable little face is ALL over the Internet! With Tay constantly posting videos of Meredith, we have all come to know and love little Mer and her human-like personality! Check out these totally ah-dorable GIFs of Meredith that will have you wanting to steal her away from Tay!

Just look at that posture!

Seriously, though…what cat drinks from a faucet! LOL!

Talent must run in the family.

She even knows good music, LOL!

Even though she is a cat, she TOTALLY has the puppy face down.


Down she goes!